Security Questionnaire Response Framework (SQRF)

1. General Rules and Guidelines

  1. Be Honest and Accurate: Always provide truthful and precise information. Misrepresentation can lead to legal consequences and damage your organization's reputation.
  2. Maintain Confidentiality: Ensure that sensitive information is appropriately protected. Do not disclose proprietary information unless necessary and ensure it is shared securely.
  3. Use Clear Language: Avoid jargon and technical terms that might not be understood by all audiences. Aim for clarity and simplicity.
  4. Stay Consistent: Ensure consistency in terminology, formatting, and data across all responses.
  5. Provide Complete Responses: Answer all parts of each question thoroughly to avoid follow-up inquiries and demonstrate thoroughness.
  6. Support with Evidence: Where possible, back up your responses with documented evidence such as policies, reports, and screenshots.
  7. Be Concise: Keep responses no longer than three paragraphs, focusing on key points and avoiding unnecessary details.

2. Structure and Content Rules

Introduction (Layer 1): [Required]

  • Introduce the context or requirement clearly.
  • Reference the relevant document or policy related to the requirement.

Detail the Process or Policy (Layer 2): [Required]

  • Describe how the requirement is met.
  • Include specific details or procedures.
  • Mention any tools, systems, or processes used.

Review and Update (Layer 3): [Optional]

  • Explain the review or update process.
  • Mention the frequency of reviews or updates.

Roles and Responsibilities (Layer 4): [Required]

  • Outline who is responsible for the implementation and management of the requirement.

Supporting Evidence (Layer 5): [Optional]

  • Cite the relevant documents or sections that provide evidence of compliance.

3. Paragraph - Standardize Phrases

4. Procedural Rules


  • Assemble a cross-functional team.
  • Gather all relevant documentation.

Understanding the Questionnaire:

  • Read each question thoroughly.
  • Categorize questions into key areas.

Research and Analysis:

  • Review internal policies.
  • Benchmark against industry standards.

Drafting Responses:

  • Be concise and clear.
  • Provide evidence-based answers.

Review and Approval:

  • Conduct internal reviews.
  • Obtain final approval from a senior leader or compliance officer.

Finalization and Submission:

  • Proofread for errors.
  • Check for consistency.
  • Submit within the deadline.

Post-Submission Follow-Up:

  • Keep a record of submitted responses.
  • Collect feedback for improvement.

5. Categories of Quality (CCCCC or COQ)


  • Documentation provides sufficient and complete evidence of the control requirements satisfaction.


  • Correct and consistent format.
  • Correct and continuous section numbering.
  • Logical presentation of material.
  • Current dates and timely content.
  • Non-standard terms, phrases, acronyms, and abbreviations defined.
  • No ambiguous statements or content.
  • Minimal and appropriate use of the passive voice.
  • No awkward phrases, typographical errors, spelling errors, missing words, or incorrect page and section numbers.
  • Reasonable sentence and paragraph lengths.
  • Use of generally accepted rules of grammar, capitalization, punctuation, symbols, and notation.
  • Appropriate and accurate identification of cross-references.


  • Responsive to all applicable requirements from question.
  • Indicate compliance with applicable requirements that is in scope.


  • Content and complexity are relevant to the audience.
  • No superfluous words or phrases.


  • Terms have the same meaning throughout the questionnaire.
  • Items are referred to by the same name or description throughout the questionnaire.
  • The level of detail and presentation style are the same throughout the questionnaire.
  • Answers does not contradict other answers in the questionnaire.

6. Example Response

Question: Does your organization have measures in place to protect sensitive customer data?

Compliance Answer: Yes


Introduction: {Your Organization} follows a comprehensive data protection strategy that includes encryption, access control, and regular audits. The organization's Data Protection Policy outlines specific measures to safeguard sensitive customer data.

Detail the Process or Policy: The data protection measures include encrypting data at rest using AES-256 and securing data in transit with TLS 1.2/1.3. Access to sensitive data is managed through role-based access controls (RBAC), ensuring that only authorized personnel can access the information. Regular audits and vulnerability assessments are conducted to verify the effectiveness of these measures.

Review and Update: By adhering to these procedures, {Your Organization} ensures that data protection practices are continuously monitored and updated to address new security challenges. Additionally, the organization employs advanced monitoring tools to detect and respond to potential threats in real-time.

Supporting Evidence:

  • Document name/number: Data Protection Policy (Document #67890), Section 3.5
  • Page number/section: Access Control Measures
  • Additional Notes: Our data protection measures comply with industry standards such as ISO 27001 and GDPR.

By following these rules and guidelines within the Security Questionnaire Response Framework (SQRF), organizations can ensure that their security questionnaire responses are accurate, thorough, and aligned with best practices.