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Identification & Authentication (IAC) - User Provisioning & De-Provisioning

User Provisioning & De-Provisioning
Internal Audit Schedule: Week 40
Week 40 is the week of the year that I will be auditing this specific control in the "Test of Operating Effectiveness".
Control Statement
FormAssembly Inc. has implemented mechanisms to utilize a formal user registration and de-registration process that governs the assignment of access rights
Does the organization utilize a formal user registration and de-registration process that governs the assignment of access rights?
Test of Design
Provisioning Inquire of appropriate personnel to determine the process for provisioning access to the system.
- Inspect a sample provisioning request or provisioning policy to determine the process for provisioning access to the system.
Test of Operating Effectiveness
- Obtain and inspect a listing of all system accounts and associated roles created during the period.
- Obtain and inspect a listing of all new hired employees during the period.
- Select an annualized sample based on the population of newly provisioned accounts/roles to the system to determine if they were provisioned appropriately. (NOTE: If the system does not contain a field such as “created date” a population of provisioned accounts can be determined by comparing a user listing from prior to the period start with the current listing OR comparing the current user listing to the list of new hired team members).
- For the selected sample, obtain and inspect evidence that all of the account access granted was the account access requested.
- For the selected sample, obtain and inspect evidence that all of the account access granted was approved by the appropriate personnel.
- For the selected sample, obtain and inspect evidence that the account access granted was approved prior to being provisioned.